MI House Representative Joseph Fox provided an update on Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s plans to change Michigan. According to Fox, Whitmer is proposing a “drastic energy transition – which smacks of the Green New Deal – will mean significantly higher electricity costs for Michigan families and small businesses. Government mandates on energy transitions to happen within an unreasonably short amount of time will spell disaster for our state.”
Her stated goal is to fully transition the state to carbon-free energy production by 2035. Fox noted “This means electricity providers will be required to stop using coal and natural gas and only use a mixture of solar, wind, and hydroelectric in twelve years.” This goal is strange given that Consumers Energy is also looking at removing many hydroelectric dams that they currently run and stated that the dams are cost prohibitive to run. During a September 18 public presentation Consumers stated that they mainly rely on coal to generate electricity.
In addition Whitmer’s plan to move Michigan toward solar panels and wind turbines includes adding a Public Service Commission made up of three unelected bureaucrats. Fox warned that the Commission would likely attempt to overstep local authority in overseeing solar and wind production.